ROSTRUP specialises in the drive, achievement and support of excellence in individuals, teams and organisations. Expertise and proven experience combine to achieve success at the highest level.
Hans Rostrup is the Founder and Lead Consultant at Rostrup. An experienced and engaging Facilitator and Coach he has worked in consulting for over 35 years, the last 25 of which have been as an independent consultant.
Throughout his career, he has designed and implemented training interventions in Leadership, Management and Personal Development, Team Improvement and Sales. Equally comfortable in front of a large audience as he is when working one to one, he delivers inspirational ‘in person’ interventions and has a captivating presence when facilitating online.
Our approach is to understand, in detail, the context and needs of the client and then leverage that knowledge to make every intervention personalised for both the organisation and the individual. A ‘so what’ mindset ensures that there’s always a focus on the practical application of concepts, theories and frameworks and we’re not afraid to challenge people as we encourage them to push the limits of their capability.