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    Account Management

    “Farming your best accounts only happens when you put the time and thought into understanding them.”



    “Allowing assertiveness to spill over into aggression is never acceptable. This programme makes sure that you understand the difference.”


    Body language & building rapport

    “People send signals through their body language and if you can recognise them, that’s a great indicator of emotional intelligence.”



    “Without a budget, how can you know where you’re going. Every Leader and Manager needs this information.”


    Building a Vision

    “Having a clear vision is essential to reassure employees that their Leaders know where they’re going. It motivates and engages.”


    Building sales relationships

    “An effective relationship doesn’t happen by accident – it takes thought and planning as well as great execution.”


    Building Trust

    “Trust is the foundation of strong relationships and is vital at every level of an organisation or team.”


    Closing the sale

    “It’s surprising how many people put all of the hard work in to a sales pitch and then forget to ask for the business. Now they’ll never forget.”



    “The best coaching is not about the process it’s about the outcome.”


    Communication (Advanced)

    “Understanding how you come across to others is at the heart of getting your message across.”


    Communication (Foundation)

    “Much more than ‘Comms 1.01’ this will provide a clear understanding of the transactional nature of effective communication.”


    Conflict Resolution

    “Disagreement and conflict can be destructive forces and block business success. Having a proven set of tools, techniques and strategies to navigate this landscape is invaluable.”


    Consultancy Skills

    “This is the core toolkit for operating effectively as a Consultant.”


    Consultative Sales

    “Recognising the difference between selling a service and selling a product is just the start – this will enable you to transition to become a Trusted Advisor.”


    Coping with Stress

    “Having strategies that enable you to deal with challenging situations is vital to being able to bounce back.”


    Creating High Performing Teams

    “Teams that deliver are fundamental to business success. Those that perform at the highest level define the great organisations.”


    Creative Problem Solving

    “Insightful thought – both analytical and creative – underpin this process driven approach.”


    Cultural Awareness

    “In today’s diverse organisations, emotional intelligence is most often required to fully appreciate cultural difference.”


    Customer Service Skills

    “The customer experience has to be at the forefront of everyone’s mind and it takes skill to execute well.”


    Decision Making

    “Great Leaders make decisions when they need to. This workshop explores alternative approaches.”



    “Managers find it tough to let go and yet they have to achieve through others. Delegation is the answer.”


    Effective sales negotiation

    “The effort should go into a ‘win-win’ outcome if at all possible, then the outcome will suit everyone.”


    Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

    “Understanding how you come across to others is the most important building block for working with people; it informs your own behaviour which influences the choices you and others make.”


    Face to face selling skills

    “Learn to use all of your assets when in front of your client and get to your preferred outcome.”



    “Knowing when to ask and when to tell is so important when looking to bring groups to an agreed decision.”



    “Arguably the Manager’s most powerful tool for managing performance and developing capability.”


    Field Sales Workshop

    “This is the toolkit that gives you everything that you need to be effective.”


    Finance for Non-Financial Managers

    “You will be able to understand budgets, P&L and Balance Sheets and make sense of management accounts.”


    Handling Complaints

    “Who ever knew that by handling a complaint effectively, you can make your customer relationship even stronger?


    Influence and Persuasion

    “In a matrix organisation, getting things done without the authority of job title or hierarchy is key.”


    Inspirational Leadership

    “Realising the importance of authenticity when developing trusting relationships is a real, breakthrough.”


    Leadership Communication

    “Taking people with you because they are moved by your message is a skill that you can develop.”


    Leading Virtual Organisations

    “The ‘virtual organisation’ is here to stay and that demands a special kind of leadership that inspires, energises and builds trust in a sustainable way and this workshop shows you how.”


    Managing and Leading Change

    “Change is always unsettling so to have a plan and a process to minimise that stress is wonderful.”


    Managing Meetings

    “Having to attend and run so many meetings in the new virtual world has become much easier since I learned these ‘golden rules’.”


    Managing Remotely

    “With more and more teams working flexibly and across multiple time zones, Managers need clarity about how to bring out the best in everyone.”



    “The recognition of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators is the key to keeping everyone engaged.”



    “Reaching agreement so that everyone feels that they have got a deal that they are happy with is a great skill.”


    Objection Handling

    “Discover a process for dealing with objections in a way that makes closing the sale so much more straightforward.”


    Performance Management

    “This is without doubt the most important responsibility of a Manager.”


    Practical Telephone Sales Skills

    “Making a good impression over the telephone, or over a video conference call, is all about preparation and following a clear process.”


    Presentation Skills (Advanced)

    “Take your skills to the next level by learning how to control your audience, no matter how awkward they are.”


    Presentation Skills (Foundation)

    “Learn about the core skills that will enable you to make an immediate impression on your audience and get your key messages across.”


    Public Speaking

    “When you don’t know your subject matter, public speaking is a challenge. When you do, it’s just like having a conversation.”


    Relationship Building

    “Whether you are leading, managing, selling or collaborating you need to have strong relationships that are built on trust and emotional intelligence.”


    Remote Management

    “This has been the most important skill during the recent months when the team is spread far and wide.”



    “In these challenging times, the ability to deal with setbacks, without it adversely affecting performance is more than valuable – it’s essential.”


    Sales Coaching

    “The best salesmen don’t necessarily make the best sales coaches. There’s a process to add to sharing advice and tips.”


    Sales Management

    “Managing sales teams requires structure, process, investment and support. Without a total commitment to it, the results won’t come.”


    Selection Interviewing

    “Hiring the best people will only come if the best interview techniques are used.”


    Strategic Planning

    “The ability to see the big picture, coupled with a proven process, makes strategy nothing to be feared.”


    Taking a brief

    “Accurately understanding the needs of a customer, whether internal or external, is the foundation for effective problem solving.”


    Talking the same language

    “One of the core skills of emotional intelligence is managing the way you come across to others so that they listen to you.”


    Time Management

    “You can’t create time, but you can make time for yourself if you follow some simple principles.”


    Tough Conversation

    “The hardest conversations can still be the most successful and impactful if your preparation is followed by insightful execution.”


    Train the Trainer

    “Training is often about the transfer of skills. This workshop does the same thing.”

… confident, caring, knowledgeable; handled the team dynamics very well; informative and fun.

Tailored advice and feedback to the individuals and teams as he got to know us better; personal.

Great at defusing tricky situations.

Respectful and caring Educator and a wonderful individual.

Extremely good facilitator of many discussions, valuing everyone in the group.

Clear presenter; good at bringing across the material.

Very good facilitator; great listener and a great sense of humour.

On a personal level I felt it was the first time that I had been able to draw a breath and think about all you discussed since the start of Covid. So, a huge thank you, the content, slides, interaction on chat etc was all brilliant.

Special kudos to him for creating the psychological space that enabled the group to publicly share feedback

In addition to the training material itself, Hans was able to provide deeper answers on specific topics that came from more experienced managers.

Super confident, had answers for everything or helped find them. Really, good. Pretty impressed!

Great speaker, leaving sufficient space for attendees to get involved in the discussions

Hans was an engaging facilitator and was able to both answer questions expertly and cultivate a healthy dialogue including the whole room.

Good sense of humour, effective at delivering content and soliciting questions from the audience.

Hans did great job in involving people to have discussion about the various issues instead of just presenting them, much appreciated!

Clear, engaging and committed to helping us – amazing facilitator