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Transforming Leadership

Pennon and South West Water

case study leadership training

Pennon, a leading utility company, embarked on a significant transformation following changes at the highest levels of leadership. A new set of corporate values were introduced as a “charter” defining expectations for customers, partners, and employees.

Rostrup, a renowned training provider, developed a highly interactive workshop to align Pennon’s workforce with these new values. The workshop focused on challenging existing ways of working, introducing a fresh leadership style, and fostering commitment to the transformational change envisioned by senior leadership. Team Leaders and Managers were identified as key role models for these new behaviours.

Key Content Areas

  • Expectations of Leadership:
    • Understanding the role of a leader at Pennon
    • Embracing and living the Pennon Values
    • Cultivating a positive organisational culture
    • Adopting a fresh approach to leadership success
    • Building trust through authentic leadership
    • Managing performance with accountability
    • Setting effective expectations and delegating tasks
    • Allocating work equitably to develop capability
    • Providing feedback and coaching for individual development
    • Empowering employees through delegation

Workshop Delivery and Outcomes

The workshop was a one-day offsite event, bringing together leaders from across the Pennon Group in sessions of 10-20 participants. The interactive format challenged assumptions, encouraged diverse viewpoints, and promoted open discussion of the new values. Moreover, real-life work simulations were used to reinforce the skills and concepts presented. Finally, participants also received individual feedback from the facilitator.

Over a six-month period, Rostrup delivered the programme to over 450 Team Leaders and Managers. Participant feedback highlighted increased leadership confidence, greater empowerment within teams, and a positive shift towards a culture of responsibility and ownership. Furthermore, the previously detached workforce became more accountable, leading to the commissioning of a second phase of programmes focused on feedback and coaching to further build capability.


In conclusion, Rostrup’s tailored workshop played a pivotal role in Pennon’s transformation. By equipping leaders with the skills and mindset necessary to embrace the new corporate values, the programme fostered a more engaged, empowered, and accountable workforce. This, in turn, contributed significantly to the company’s overall success and strategic goals.

… confident, caring, knowledgeable; handled the team dynamics very well; informative and fun.

Tailored advice and feedback to the individuals and teams as he got to know us better; personal.

Great at defusing tricky situations.

Respectful and caring Educator and a wonderful individual.

Extremely good facilitator of many discussions, valuing everyone in the group.

Clear presenter; good at bringing across the material.

Very good facilitator; great listener and a great sense of humour.

On a personal level I felt it was the first time that I had been able to draw a breath and think about all you discussed since the start of Covid. So, a huge thank you, the content, slides, interaction on chat etc was all brilliant.

Special kudos to him for creating the psychological space that enabled the group to publicly share feedback

In addition to the training material itself, Hans was able to provide deeper answers on specific topics that came from more experienced managers.

Super confident, had answers for everything or helped find them. Really, good. Pretty impressed!

Great speaker, leaving sufficient space for attendees to get involved in the discussions

Hans was an engaging facilitator and was able to both answer questions expertly and cultivate a healthy dialogue including the whole room.

Good sense of humour, effective at delivering content and soliciting questions from the audience.

Hans did great job in involving people to have discussion about the various issues instead of just presenting them, much appreciated!

Clear, engaging and committed to helping us – amazing facilitator