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Managing in a Remote World

After 8 months working from home and successfully pivoting the business to not only survive, but develop during the pandemic, DistilledSCH could be justifiably proud of the way they had dealt with the new world they faced.

With no prospect of returning to the office in 2020, however, and with it being likely to be after Easter 2021 that they could even consider that idea, they could see that the winter months were going to provide further challenges for their Leaders, Managers and Teams.

They wanted to support, inspire and inform the whole business by providing a training experience that would equip them for Q4 2020 and Q1 2021.

Of course, it needed to be engaging and helpful, but also it needed to reassure the Teams that the Leaders and Managers had a strategy and were working to take DistilledSCH to a new level of success that would further strengthen the business.

For Leaders and Managers, it was critical to give them the awareness of the challenges that lay ahead and tools and tips to support their Teams.

Two online sessions for Leaders and Managers were followed by a company-wide online session for Team members.

Having a reliable work-from-home space had been covered at the start of the pandemic. So, it was issues such as:

  • Wellbeing – including Burnout, Healthy Living and Mental Health
  • Social Interaction – Strategies and ‘warning signs’
  • Personal Development – Plans and Career Conversations
  • Productivity – Equity rather than Equality driving expectations
  • Feedback – Recognition and Developmental advice


what people said about the course

On a personal level I felt it was the first time that I had been able to draw a breath and think about all you discussed since the start of Covid. So, a huge thank you, the content, slides, interaction on chat etc was all brilliant.

images from the course

… confident, caring, knowledgeable; handled the team dynamics very well; informative and fun.

Tailored advice and feedback to the individuals and teams as he got to know us better; personal.

Great at defusing tricky situations.

Respectful and caring Educator and a wonderful individual.

Extremely good facilitator of many discussions, valuing everyone in the group.

Clear presenter; good at bringing across the material.

Very good facilitator; great listener and a great sense of humour.

On a personal level I felt it was the first time that I had been able to draw a breath and think about all you discussed since the start of Covid. So, a huge thank you, the content, slides, interaction on chat etc was all brilliant.

Special kudos to him for creating the psychological space that enabled the group to publicly share feedback

In addition to the training material itself, Hans was able to provide deeper answers on specific topics that came from more experienced managers.

Super confident, had answers for everything or helped find them. Really, good. Pretty impressed!

Great speaker, leaving sufficient space for attendees to get involved in the discussions

Hans was an engaging facilitator and was able to both answer questions expertly and cultivate a healthy dialogue including the whole room.

Good sense of humour, effective at delivering content and soliciting questions from the audience.

Hans did great job in involving people to have discussion about the various issues instead of just presenting them, much appreciated!

Clear, engaging and committed to helping us – amazing facilitator